SMS Theatre
Booster Club Officers
Jay Coombes, Lori Greer, Larry Greer, Co-Presidents
Jenny Hull, Treasurer

The SMS Theatre Booster Club provides a broad array of support to students involved in SMS Theatre. Our organization is open to anyone, especially family members of students participating in our theatre classes and productions.
Our Boosters offer support in many ways! We help to organize and host the annual Backstage Pass night and Theatre Banquet. We provide
pot-luck dishes for meals that serve our cast, crews, musicians, teachers and staff on the final dress rehearsal evening before each show. Boosters also provide meals for the long show days when students run both a matinee and evening performance. They help decorate lobby displays and work tables for concessions and flowers for each of the performances.
Money raised from annual SMS Theatre Booster Club dues ($35) is used to support a variety of activities that assist the students and staff as they produce a variety of shows throughout the school year.
Please share your support for all of our students by joining the SMS Theatre Booster Club today!
Send a message to the BC President, in the contact form at right or click on PDF here below to print out a Booster Club registration form.