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Our Student-Led Theatre

Students lead and are involved in producing
every aspect of each show at Shawnee Mission South.

At SM South, our theatre students are immersed in hands-on projects as they actively participate in all aspects of theatre. Our students learn and gain experience by performing in shows as well as by doing the behind-the-scenes, hands-on technical work needed to produce a show. They learn about everything that must be done to stage a show.

Our theatre students get involved in these ways:

  • Perform: Act, sing and dance in our shows;

  • Set: help design, build and paint the sets;

  • Costumes: manage costume needs for the entire cast, and often create costume pieces;

  • Properties: make and manage all props
    needed for the show;


  • Lighting: set and run the lights for the show;

  • Sound: create sound effects, mic the actors and run the sound during the show;

  • Stage Management: manage the production and running crew for each show;

  • Public Relations/Business: publicize and promote the shows through social media, videos, and website; also design the show posters programs and front of house promotions, sell tickets, secure sponsorships and accept patron donations for the theatre.


Advanced Repertory Theatre 
Selected junior and senior student leaders serve as the company managers and crew heads each year. These students take on significant leadership responsibility in leading their crews to complete required tasks for each show. The crew heads work together in this class to plan and coordinate all crew work for each show. Several SMS theatre students do double-duty by serving as both crew heads and performers in the shows, which requires an even greater time commitment. 

Repertory Theatre
Sophomores, juniors and seniors take this class and each student is assigned to a crew that they work on as a team. Crews have dedicated class time each day to work on their projects. Crew members also work after school and on some weekend work days to complete everything for each show. Adult technical directors advise the students on the technical theatre projects.


2024-25 Crew Heads

Company Managers

Nia Gosier

Lexi King

​Set Crew Heads

Katie Hull

Jack Warford Grow

Cristian Sorto Salinas

Nash Swinson

Aleks Hoffmann




Props Crew Heads

Katie Ball​

AJ Cooper

Elizabeth Petersma

Syriana Sharp

Elliana Farrow

Anna Wright


Lighting Crew Head

Andrew Moore

Megan Garrett



Video Crew Head

Millie Fickenscher

Maddie Lillich


Costume Crew Heads​

Olivia Miner​

Knash Anderson

Christy Aubrecht


Sound Crew Heads

Sierra Nelson




Public Relations/ Marketing/Business Crew Head

Lilliana Rynard




Creating a Musical at Shawnee Mission South

Watch how SMS students get involved in all aspects of producing a show, from auditions through the final bow. 

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